St. Mary’s Curriculum Information


Dear Parents/Carers,

At St Mary's we follow the statutory guidance of the New National Curriculum for all subjects.

Data is collated and submitted three times a year at the end of each full term. Half-termly assessment take place throughout the year for continuous monitoring.

Please see below an overview of our curriculum below. 

St Mary's CE Curriculum Statement:-

Curriculum Statement


Lead: Mrs Carey/Mrs Anderton

Progression document:

--Art Progression of Skills.

Assessment: Teacher assessment against NC objectives. Every half-term, our 'global investigations' are used to check ability to apply skills.


Lead: Miss Milovanovich

Progression document:

--French Progression of Skills.

Assessment: Teacher assessment of taught skills half-termly.


Lead: Mrs Davidson & Miss Robinson

Progression document:

--Power Maths Progression of Skills.

-Reception overview.

-Year 1 overview.

-Year 2 overview.

-Year 3 overview.

-Year 4 overview.

-Year 5 overview.

-Year 6 overview.


--Half-termly Power Maths assessments: 1 arithmetic and 1 reasoning. This is linked to Power maths progression of skills and age-related expectations. 

--EYFS assess through consistent observation.


Lead: Miss Nunwick

Progression document:

--PSHE Progression of Skills (whole school).

Click here for the full 3D Dimensions progression breakdowns.

Assessment: Teacher assessment against taught objectives from Progression of Skills based on National Curriculum.


Lead: Mrs Davidson & Miss Robinson

Progression document:

--Writing Progression of Skills.

--'Alan Peat' Sentences Progression.


--Bi-weekly independent 'hot writes' assessed against Assertive Mentoring objectives Year 1-6 and End of Key Stage Expectations Year 2 and 6 (based on age-related expectations). 

--Year 1 use Get Writing Read Write Inc. scheme to supplement writing assessments.

--EYFS assess through consistent observation.


Lead: Mrs Carey

Progression document:

--Computer Science Progression of Skills.

--Digital Literacy Progression of Skills.

Information Technology Skills Progression.

Assessment: Teacher assessment against taught objectives from Progression of Skills based on National Curriculum.


Lead: Mrs Carey/ Miss Robinson

Progression document:

--Geography Progression of Skills.

Assessment: Teacher assessment against NC objectives. Every half-term, our 'global investigations' are used to check ability to apply skills.


Lead: Mrs Reynolds/Mrs Carey

Progression document:

--Music Progression of Skills.

Assessment: Teacher assessment of taught skills from Progression of Skills.


Lead: Mrs Davidson & Miss Robinson

Progression document:

--Reading Progression of Skills.


--Termly NFER assessments against age-related expectations. 

--KS1 and KS2 SATs.

--EYFS and KS1 Phonics assessments half-termly.

--Supplementary book-band assessments half-termly.


Lead: Mrs Carey / Mrs Anderton

Progression document:

--DT Progression of Skills.

Assessment: Teacher assessment against National Curriculum objectives. Every half-term, our 'global investigations' are used to check ability to apply skills.


Lead: Mrs Carey / Miss Robinson

Progression document:

--History Progression of Skills.

Assessment: Teacher assessment against National Curriculum objectives. Every half-term, our 'global investigations' are used to check ability to apply skills.


Lead: Miss Swanson

Progression document:

P.E Progression of Skills.

Assessment: Teacher assessment against taught objectives from Progression of Skills based on National Curriculum.


Lead: Miss Nunwick

Progression document:

--Science Progression of Skills.

--Science Vocabulary Progression.

--Working Scientifically Progression.

Assessment: Assessment against progression of skills taken from National Curriculum using TAPs assessments to assess 'working scientifically' skills.