Pupil Leadership.

At St. Mary's, we are extremely proud to offer pupils the opportunity to make a difference in their school community with multiple pupil leadership groups.

School Council.


The School Council are made up of democratically elected pupils - two from each class. They work together to come up with new ideas for the school, promote the school in the community and make sure that our school governors know how the pupils at St. Mary's feel. They wear black jumpers.



The Befrienders work at break times and lunchtimes to help adults serve lunch and to make sure that everyone is included when playing together. They are trained to understand mental health and wellbeing. They wear red hats. Why not ask them to play today!

Liturgy Leaders.


The Liturgy Leaders help us to understand Christianity and our Christian values at school. They look after our mental health and wellbeing by running lunchtime prayer and reflection groups in Jenny's Room. They help Mrs Brown by doing Christian assemblies with Christian Aid. They wear red sashes.

The Eco Team.  

Our Eco Club look after our allotment through the seasons and keep our outdoor spaces environmentally safe and sound for wildlife.