Welcome you to Reception Class!


We very much look forward to getting to know your child and helping them to enjoy their first year at school. Moving into Reception is an exciting stage in your child’s learning journey and our aim is to provide an enabling and stimulating environment in which your children feel happy to explore and learn. 


Class Teacher: Mrs Bush 

Teaching Assistants: Miss Webber, Mrs Oliwiak, Miss Holt, Mrs Anderton (Friday) 

We follow the EYFS curriculum, where we learn through a play based curriculum building on children's knowledge and skills in our indoor and outdoor spaces. Children can move freely between the areas, providing opportunities for them to follow their own interests supported and developed by our staff.

We also learn phonics, enjoy reading, writing and number as well as some exciting topics that are based around different books, seasons and celebrations. Our circle times allow time to begin to explore the school values as a class.


The 3 prime areas of the EYFS are:

*Communication & Language

*Physical development 

*Personal, Social and Emotional Development 


The 4 specific areas of the EYFS are:



*Understanding of World 

*Expressive Arts & Design 

PE in Reception is on a Thursday. Please can children come into school wearing their PE kit. 

Home Learning Expectations 

Children are expected to practise core skills every week:

  • Reading - ideally daily, but at least 3 times a week with an adult.

  • Learning log- completing activities based on our current topic. 

  • Maths- Numbots.


WOW moments are communicated through Class Dojo, where we celebrate children’s successes in their learning. Please share any WOW moments from home on class dojo.   


In our final half term we will be looking at traditional tales. Our role play area will be transformed into a castle and children will be completing activities based on the stories 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff', 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and 'The Gingerbread Man'.