Click here to find more information on Rochdale's Local offer:
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Rochdale SEND Advice Line.
For parents, carers, young people and professionals.
Telephone: 0300 303 0380
Monday - Friday
9.30am - 5.00pm
Hello, my name is Hayley Bush - I am the SENDCo at St Mary's.
I work very closely with our Inclusion Team: Miss Vicki Petrillo and Miss Holcroft along with a range of support staff and agencies.
Our SEND Link Governor is Angela Smith.
My role is to ensure appropriate provision is in place to overcome the barriers to learning and to ensure ALL pupils have full access to a broad and balanced curriculum. I also work very closely with parents and carers to develop a picture of the whole child.
If you have any questions regarding our Special Educational Needs and Disability provision or any SEND and welfare concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us 01706 648125.
At St. Mary's we believe that every teacher is a specialist at adapting for Special Educational Needs.
Our SEND Provision
We apply a graduated approach to identifying special educational needs and disabilities. When pupils have identified SEND before they start here, we work with the people who already know them and use the information already available to identify what their SEND needs are and how they will be supported in our school setting.
Stage 1 – Universal Provision (Quality First Teaching)
This is what is available to every child within the classroom: High Quality teaching and learning (Quality First Teaching).
Stage 2 – Monitoring (Usually for a term)
If you tell us you think your child has a SEND we will discuss this with you and put measures in place to monitor, assess and review. We will share with you what we find and agree with you what we will do next and what you can do to help your child.
If any of our staff think that your child may need extra support, we will assess their understanding of what we are doing in school and pinpoint what is causing difficulty. We will then discuss our findings with you and where appropriate the child or young person.
Stage 3: SEN Support
Where we continue to have concerns or see no improvement we will discuss with parents about putting together a package of support at SEND Level – This is known as SEN Support and a learning plan will be set up, smart targets agreed and targeted intervention applied. This will be discussed and agreed with parents. Further involvement from external agencies may be recommended or needed.
Stage 4: EHC Assessment
Most children on the SEND register can be successfully and adequately managed at SEN Support. However where there are further concerns, limited or no progress or where there are complex needs we may complete a referral to the Local Authority EHC Assessment Team to look at assessment towards an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP). For further information on the EHC Assessment Team and the EHCP Process please click here
Rochdale Additional Needs TASC (Team for Autism & Social Communication) will continue to run 'virtual' coffee mornings throughout the year. Please check our page frequently for flyers with more information about these events. These informal sessions provide the opportunity to meet other parents/carers over a cup of coffee (or tea) and share your thoughts, stories and experiences. RANS ASC teachers will also be available to offer advice. Everyone is welcome-whatever age your child, whatever their needs, whether they have a diagnosis or you suspect they might be on the spectrum. In addition to this their service continue to respond to calls every Wednesday 01706 926 400