Miss Milovanovic, Mr Chambers and Mrs Boswell welcome you to our class and to our web page! Have a look around and please contact one of the team if you have any questions. 


Our classroom is a stimulating and happy environment with opportunities for all children to learn and grow. We respect and care for each other, encouraging everyone to be the best that they can be.


Monday - PE (wear your kit to school).

Friday - Learning log due and sent out every other week.  

Our Curriculum


TOPIC - Toy Makers (Summer 2)




This half term, we will be reading The Extraordinary Adventures of Ordinary Basil by WILEY MILLER. 



In reading lessons we will be focusing on our VIPERS skills: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summary.


We expect children to read at home at least three times per week and reading records to be filled in. 




In writing this half term, our writing will be linked to our learning. We will cover these genres:


Narrative based on visiting a strange city, inspired by Helios from Ordinary Basil. 

An explanation text about how a rocket works.

A persuasive advert for our toys. 

In Year 5, we constantly strive to be ambitious and effective writers, creating texts with purpose which entertain and inform our readers and using our best vocabulary, spelling, handwriting, punctuation and grammar.

Below are the year 5/6 statutory spellings:


Year 5's ambitious mathematicians will be tackling lots of different areas of Maths this half term, including finishing our fractions unit, decimals and shape. 


This year we will be continuing our Power Maths scheme which focuses on reasoning and looking at questions in different ways.  


We expect the children to use Times Table Rockstars at least twice weekly but please see Miss Milovanovic if you would like any further help.



  •  Reading at home at least 3 times per week.
  • Times Tables Rockstars at least twice per week. 
  • Learning Log tasks are given out every two weeks.


Learning Logs are available to view on Class Dojo.


PE Kits

Year 5 have PE on a MONDAY afternoon in Summer 2. They will need to wear:

- a plain white t-shirt
- plain black tracksuit bottoms or black PE shorts (no leggings please)
- a plain black jumper or tracksuit top 
- trainers

No logos or names on their tops, jumpers or bottoms please.

If you do not have a plain black jumper, children can wear their school jumpers as an alternative.