Miss Carey, Mr Carey and Miss Delaney would like to welcome you to Year 6's wonderful web page!

Our classroom is a warm, welcoming and happy environment with opportunities for all children to learn and grow. We respect and care for each other, encouraging everyone to be the best that they can be. We try our best to embody the school's Christian values in all that we do.

In Year 6 we strive to have high standards and expect all children to be wearing the correct uniform, complete all homework that is set (TTRS and Spelling Shed) and read at least three times a week, at home, to an adult.

Our Curriculum



A siren sounds, a building crumbles, a Spitfire zooms overhead. Take cover. It’s 1939 and Britain is at war. Deep down in the Anderson shelter, learn why nations are fighting and why child evacuees must make the long journey from their homes and families into unknown territory. Read the diary of Anne Frank, written whilst hiding from the terrifying stormtroopers in a secret annex, and try to empathise with her hopes and fears. Make do and mend. Cook up a family meal from meagre rations. Delve deep into a bygone era, when loose lips sunk ships. And, as peace is declared, let’s get ready to celebrate. Mr Churchill says ‘It’s an unconditional surrender.’


As part of our topic, we have been reading the amazing book Letters From the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll. We are continuing with this wonderful text for the rest of this term. What will Sukie's note mean? Will Oliver ever find her big sister? Who is going to be arriving at the beach? All of the questions will be answered!




In year 6 we will also be focusing closely on our SPaG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and applying this knowledge consistently in our writing along with our amazing Alan Peat sentence structures. Year 6 will undertake a daily SPaG challenge plus further tasks throughout the week.
In Year 6, we constantly strive to be ambitious and effective writers, creating texts with purpose which entertain and inform our readers and using our best vocabulary, spelling, handwriting, punctuation and grammar. Below are the year 5/6 statutory spellings.




This half term, we will be reading LETTERS FROM THE LIGHTHOUSE as our afternoon reader. Here is a summary:



In reading lessons we will be focusing on our VIPERS skills: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising. We will be doing lots of practice of these key skills in preparation for this term's SATs assessments.



In our exciting science topic this term, Year 6 will be exploring the way that we see LIGHT. Please look at the knowledge organiser below for more information!

Year 6's ambitious mathematicians will be tackling lots of different areas of maths this half term, including number and place value; addition and subtraction; multiplication and division; fractions and geometry.


At the start of each lesson we undertake an arithmetic challenge (Fluent in Five) and each day we do a mental maths challenge on our New Wave challenge sheets. This year we will be continuing our Power Maths scheme which focuses on reasoning and looking at questions in different ways.  So far we have really enjoyed challenging ourselves with the new material and have loved the discussion and partner work elements of the scheme.


We will continue to work on our arithmetic skills and times tables, as these underpin the basis of everything we do in maths. It would be fantastic if these skills could be practiced at home. We expect the children to use Times Table Rockstars at least twice weekly but please see Miss Carey if you would like any further help.



Each Friday, we will be practicing a set of 10 spellings as a class. Children's spellings are handed out on paper in order to practice spellings and handwriting at the same time. The Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling List (please see above) will be on focused on throughout the year.

Learning Logs

Learning Log tasks are set on a Friday and you will have 2 weeks to complete them, returning them on a Friday. Information will be handed out on paper and posted on Class Dojo.

Maths homework is Timestable Rockstars which should be accessed at least twice a week. Please speak to a member of the team if you have problems logging on.


Children are expected to read every day in Year 6, in order to best prepare them for their SATs tests. Reading books should be in school every day and they can be changed whenever required.



Year 5 have PE on a MONDAY afternoon. They will need to wear:
- a plain white t-shirt
- plain black tracksuit bottoms or black PE shorts (no leggings please)
- a plain black jumper or tracksuit top 
- trainers

No logos or names on their tops, jumpers or bottoms please.

If you do not have a plain black jumper, children can wear their school jumpers as an alternative